Find your opportunity
anywhere in the world. No jet needed.

Job Finder helps you find opportunities that meet your profile, anywhere in the world with filters that makes the search even better.

100000 opportunities. Gets updated everyday.

We help you find your next job by providing you with the ones that best match your profile.
Personalized job recommendations

Receive recommendations about jobs to apply to matching your profile and background.

Powerful filters

You can filter according to countries, salary, whether you want it remote or not and more.

An ever-growing pool of opportunities

Every month we stir up the magic sauce to provide you with even more opportunities!

How it works

We help you find your next job by providing you with the ones that best match your profile.

Apply filters to narrow down your search and find exactly what you're looking for


Get tailor-made recommendations from your search


Use CV Optimizer and qualify for even better recommendations

Get recommendations that work for you

Pick from the recommendations or search for more

Frequently asked questions

If your question remains unanswered, get in touch and someone from the team will get back to you.

What opportunities are available?

We currently have offers for various departments, including Marketing, Customer Service, Design, and Web Development.

The job offers are worldwide. Do I have a chance to be recruited in these countries?

Due to the high demand in the international market and the shortage in some countries, employers are increasingly looking for talent anywhere in the world.
Via WeRebase, you can suggest to the employer to recruit you in remote mode on a long-term basis or only during the period of administrative procedures to obtain a visa or residence permit.The remote recruitment is done without any action on the part of the employer because everything is managed by WeRebase.
This will increase your chances of being recruited as employers generally want to recruit successful candidates as soon as possible.

How can I identify the offers that best match my profile and skills?

Simply by consulting the matching rate displayed next to each offer. You can also use the "filter and sort" feature to access the most relevant offers more easily. Don't forget to use the CV Optimizer service to improve your matching rates.

How is this different from other job posting sites?

WeRebase is not just another job posting site, but a platform aimed at supporting people in getting the careers they want. We focus on matching the right candidates with the right careers and help with the whole process going from CV optimization, to interview practices.

Will I also be able to access internship opportunities?

Yes, the type of offer (internship or job) is displayed. You can also use the "Filter" feature to display only internship offers.

Are there any part-time or freelance opportunities for students on your platform?

Our goal is to provide sustainable and long-term employment opportunities that will allow you to grow. That is why most of our offers will be full-time.
We also offer part-time opportunities as we think they play a big role in enriching students and young grads' professional experience.
Currently we don’t have any freelance offers on our platform. But we recommend you put what you've done as a freelancer on your resume to increase your chances of landing interesting job offers.