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Better. Easier. Anywhere

WeRebase is a platform for African college students and fresh grads.
We provide you with better and easier tools that increase your chances to get an international job/internship.

Grow your career in

  • Development
    • Full stack developer
    • Frontend developer
    • Backend developer
    • Mobile developer
    • Testing/Quality assurance
    • ...
  • Marketing
    • Community manager
    • Digital marketer
    • Content editor
    • SEO specialist
    • Copywriter
    • ...
  • Design
    • Product designer
    • 3D illustrator
    • Web designer
    • UI designer
    • UX designer
    • ...
  • Customer Support
    • Customer happiness agent
    • Account support agent
    • Lead generation agent
    • Customer care agent
    • Data agent
    • ...


100 000 opportunities.
10+ countries.
Updated daily.

Discover Job Finder


By up to 50% your chances
of getting the interview,
and more.

Discover CV Optimizer


Don't take our word for it!
The matching rate is just great. It allowed me to focus on the job offers that best fit my profile and avoid wasting time analyzing the hundreds of offers available. In addition, CV Optimizer helped me a lot to structure everything and to highlight my skills and enhance my profile thanks to the very precise recommendations related to the job offers I wanted to apply for. The proof is that I have received invitations to job interviews, something I have not experienced before
Nadia C.
I have done a few job interviews over the past few months and I was not comfortable at all. I just recently discovered Interview Simulator from WeRebase. This made it easy for me to practice for job interviews. Thanks to the sharing of my interviews with experts, I was able to get very useful feedback. I was also impressed by the diversity and relevance of the questions because they were adapted to my profile and to the job offer for which I did the interview simulation. I now feel much more at ease when I go for a job interview
Ahmed BM.
I heard about WeRebase during a workshop in my school. I signed up and I haven't regretted it because I was able to explore the different digital jobs and access resources to improve my resume. It was also easier for me to get an internship in my field of interest. I haven't had time to use the other services yet. But, I feel like I have everything I need on WeRebase, given the multitude of tools and services available, to have a successful start to my professional career.
Sara D.

Frequently asked questions

If your question remains unanswered, get in touch and someone from the team will get back to you.

Do I absolutely have to use all the services?

All services are available and free to use separately or jointly when you need them. It’s up to you to decide what services are better suited for your career aspirations.

What opportunities are available?

We currently have offers for various departments, including Marketing, Customer Service, Design, and Software Development

Can I use your services to apply for a job outside your platform?

The main goal of our platform is to help you find jobs that match your skills and qualifications and make your job search easier and more effective. We offer services to help you with your career, such as resume writing, interview preparation, and personalized recommendations to enhance your job application. You can also use these services when applying for jobs at other companies.

They trust us

Fondative logo
CodingPark logo
VerifAssur logo
Digital World logo
EntreAgents logo
Juridoc logo
Alight logo
Spectrum Groupe logo
Pi2r logo
The Uxers logo

Our partners

10 000 codeurs logo
SUM Foundation logo
Collège LaSalle Tunisia logo
Dauphine Tunisie logo
EPI Sousse logo
MedTech Tunisia logo
MSB Tunisia logo
INSAT logo
TBS logo
Nefel Education logo

Our supporters

Meet Africa logo
Dauphine Incubator logo
Labess Incubator logo
Giz Tunisie logo
Marseille Innovation logo
Afkar logo
Impact Partner logo
ATUGE logo
Deloitte logo
EPI Hub logo
WSH Tunisia logo

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